Monday, December 26, 2011

Let's Chat

Long time no see! No really, though. I haven't blogged in forever.

But sitting on my warm and cozy couch and cuddled up next to Gary, I have found the inspiration to type up what's been going down in the ever-interesting life of moi. Oh I just threw some French on that. BOOM.

Where to start? Well how about the obvious?

Merry Christmas/ Happy Hanukkah/ Happy Kwanzaa/ Whatever.
I'm trying to be neutral here, but in this house we run Christmas like a well-oiled machine.  I really do love Christmas.  Getting my crazy family together is a guaranteed good time.  If I could only tell you the stories of my Christmas pasts...

I ate so much freaking food.  In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if I gained about 1,000 pounds.  I had to roll out of my aunt's house.  I was so full that I was in pain. #firstworldproblems.  I got some pretty neat stuff, too.  A nice pair of Birkenstocks, always top fashion in Ithaca, some fuzzy socks, clothes, some college stuff, and a cake pop maker.

Oh yes, I can't lie about this.

Lollipops - but made of cake. Woah nelly.
[via glutenfreediva]
Guys. Guys. I love to make cake. Cake LOLLIPOPS. Kill me. Kill me softly. Because I don't even know what I'm going to do with my life anymore.  The possibilities of cake balls on sticks are endless. Infinite.  Let the brainstorming begin.  I already have about fifty-two billion ideas...

Guess What. I'm an RA.
Somehow, the lovely ladies and gents at Ithaca's Res Life thought I would be the best little Resident Assistant they've ever seen. And by golly I think they were right. I start training on January 13th, which means that I will make my third freaking move of the year. My dad hates me.  I kid, but I have made an enemy since these moves began - my refrigerator company. Oh yes, children.  I call them up and tell them that I'm moving yet again and this is how the conversation goes:

Me: Hello! Good morning/afternoon! I'm just calling to let you guys know that I'll be moving this semester, and I'll be taking my refrigerator with me.
Lady at the fridge company: [Wheezy New Jersey accent] Ugh, alright. Hang on a sec.
Me: Sure thing!
[ten minutes pass]
Lady at the fridge company: Okay, what's your name and where are you moving to?
Me: Well, my name's Eve [last name] and I'm moving to [third address of the freaking year].
Lady: Well it looks like you've already called about you moving twice already. Are you really moving again or is this a joke?
Me: No I'm not joking, I just want to keep the records updated. I'm not quite sure why anyone would prank call a refrigerator leasing company, but okay.
Lady: You're all set...again. Have a nice day, I guess.
Me: You too.

So after I talked to the stupid fridge people, I took care of other things such as enjoying my life.  I packed up most of my room before I left for winter break, so moving this time should be pretty easy. In fact, we've gotten pretty good at doing this. Perhaps my dad and I should open a moving business...dare to dream.

*A Father, His Awesome Daughter, and a Nifty Truck
With being an RA, I have to do those things that make your little floor look so cute. You know what I'm talking about. Door tags, bulletin boards, floor programs, the whole nine yards.  Guess what, my door tags have already been approved and holy toledo I'm a little too excited.  You know me and my unique sense of humor.  So you know that my door tags are going to be awesome.  And the last thing I want to do is disappoint.  What do you think: Despicable Me Minions. Yes? No? Oh hell yes guurl marry me? I choose the third, myself.

They're going to look so cute, I can't handle it.
[via g4tv]
I also have to come up with ideas for the bulletin boards and floor programs.  So here's one of the only times you will see/read me begging.  No one ever comments on my blog, which is fine.  But here's the dealio: I have extremely creative friends.  So, here's what I'm asking - if you have an awesome idea for me, for the love of Jesus tell me.  I'll pay you in Cake Pops. Any flavor you like.

On top of being a spring RA, I'll also be doing some research with a professor.  I'll be working with some little fishies to see how the liquid fracking components affect fish hatching and survival.  Pretty neat stuff, considering that Ithaca is like the anti-fracking capital of the world.

See y'all in the lab!
[via sickgoldfishcare]
So, come January 13th, my life will probably be the craziest it'll ever be. Except when the weird stuff goes down at the job I work at, but those are two different kinds of crazy.  Looking forward to the roller coaster ahead of me.