[via blog.heritage.org] |
Let's compile a list, shall we? Nothing's in chronological order, I'll just write them as I think of them.
Here we go.
1. The first song I sang in 2011 was God Bless America. Not my best moment.
2. I pegged a snowball directly between someone's eyes. So proud of myself.
3. During the course of the year, I bought over 450 glowsticks.
Basically. [via flickr] |
5. I finally figured out what I want to do with my life.
6. I became employed at the car rental agency I work at now.
7. I successfully made the most perfect fried chicken you'll ever eat.
8. I watched the entirety of Arrested Development. ...Twice.
9. I purchased my first pair of Converse.
10. I rekindled my love affair with Gouda cheese.
11. I had my last two wisdom teeth removed.
12. I lost one of my best friends.
13. In 2011, I had three different college addresses - one from freshman year and two from the past semester.
14. I discovered the magic of omlettes.
[via schwans] |
16. I was in a car accident.
17. I gambled for the first time in my life.
18. I went clubbing for the first time in my life.
19. I made more friends this year than I ever have before.
20. 2011 has tested my friendships. It's becoming clear who will stay for the long haul and who will pass with time.
21. I traveled to New York City and Washington DC.
[via popartuk] |
23. I switched doctor's offices.
24. I started a recycling program.
25. I went to a concert.
26. I was introduced to Pastabilities.
27. I got a job as an RA on campus.
28. I was chosen to do research with a professor for next semester.
29. I dissected a frog, pig, starfish, goat brain, and sheep heart.
30. I've come to terms with Kanye West's lyrical genius.
Hip hop machine. [via snacksandshit] |
32. I went whitewater rafting.
33. I almost died countless times.
34. I began watching Grey's Anatomy and can't stop.
35. I was proposed to countless times.
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This is how it went every time. |
37. I got my eyebrows waxed for the first time. Yeah.
38. I threw a Swamp People themed party. Complete with camouflage.
39. I gave up on bowling because I think it's stupid.
40. I received an email from a production company asking if I wanted to be in a show regarding teenage girls obsessed with Twilight.
Just because I have the same tattoo doesn't mean I'm obsessed. [via tattoodonkey] |
42. I rewatched Hey Arnold, with emphasis on the Stoop Kid episode.
43. While eating out in Ithaca, I also saw a man skateboard down the street that legitimately looked like Gerald from Hey Arnold.
44. I saw Whose Line live.
45. I got really sunburned, to the point where people gathered around me for warmth.
46. I gave blood. And ate an omelette after each time.
47. I felt like a pedophile for the first time in my life after attending a concert with the target audience for kids 8-13 and their drunken parents.
48. I lost 12 pounds this summer.
49. I gained all of that lost weight back when I stepped inside the dining hall.
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CURSE YOU, FATTY FOODS! [via ithaca.edu] |
51. I worked a 14 hour shift without a lunch break. Car shows for you...
52. I recorded every show during Shark Week, then my sister got mad at me and erased everything. I've never felt more hatred for a person.
53. I received an Edible Arrangement and cried.
54. I'm pretty sure that video is on YouTube. My boss recorded it.
55. I ate an entire watermelon in one sitting.
56. My calves went from wimpy to rock-hard. Thank you, Ithaca hills.
57. I became best friends with my parents.
58. Gary punched me in the face countless times. Each time was when he wanted to go under a blanket and I refused him.
59. I had two steroidal injections into my eyelid, a spot dangerously close to my actual eye. Currently cringing from the memories.
60. I discovered how much I truly hate physics.
61. I realized that I will never be able to achieve an accent other than the one that I currently talk with.
62. I went apple picking.
63. I literally saw a double rainbow. I'm not kidding.
ALL THE WAY ACROSS THE SKY. [via bandcamp.com] |
65. Randy Pausch reminded me how precious life is.
66. I finally got to sit at the cool round table in Ithaca's library.
67. Chai tea and I are best friends.
68. I realized that my parents will never love me as much as they love Gary.
69. I revived my love with Capri Suns. Specifically Fruit Punch.
Oh baby. [via drinks.seriouseats.com] |
72. I discovered this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHnGMV8yOEQ
73. I bought a delicious Nikon.
74. I found my hand twin.
75. I became the go-to masseuse amongst my group of friends.
76. My hair has progressively gotten curlier. Thanks for the curly genes, mom.
77. I watched a person go vegan with success.
78. I made countless batches of creme brulee.
79. I attempted the Single Ladies dance and failed.
[via loft965] |
81. I went to a jewelry party and was asked to work for the company because of my outgoing personality. Needless to say, I did not want to host jewelry parties, so I politely nodded and declined.
82. I made about 7 peanut butter pies this year. Each time, people fell in love with me.
83. I welcomed a new cousin to my huge family.
84. I became temporarily addicted to the Sims 3.
85. I realized how little instant Netflix offers and often question why I continue to pay for it.
86. I gave my sister a ton of wedgies.
87. I seriously considered whipping up an article for Cracked.com (and still kinda want to).
88. I broke my phone on St. Patrick's Day after getting home from dancing.
89. I fell down a very steep hill/mountain.
90. I saw Transformers 3 in theaters and didn't pee during the whole showing, despite the drink I had. It was a struggle.
91. I gave up on Friendly's and Denny's and only go to them as a super last resort.
92. I actually took the time to watch Jersey Shore. Regret...
93. I thoroughly questioned Miley Cyrus' sanity almost every day.
Yup. [via stupidcelebrities.net] |
95. I enjoyed laughing at the slow downfall of Nicolas Cage.
96. I went to Johnny Rocket's more times than I would like to admit.
97. I slowly began to learn that I'm pretty damn awesome. The learning is still happening.
98. The best clothes to work out in are spandex capris and a wifebeater. No lie.
99. I was introduced to Boo the Dog and my life hasn't been the same since.
100. Finally, I confirmed that bacon truly tastes good on everything. Everything.
[via dennys] |
2011 was one of the best and one of the worst years I've experienced. I've never laughed harder, but I've also never felt as much pain (physical and emotional) as I have in the past year. It's been a rollercoaster for sure. I'm not sure if I would choose to relive this year if I had the chance. One thing is for certain, though. I'm ready for a new beginning with friends, family, and Gary. Bring it on, 2012. This is going to be an excellent year.