Monday, July 11, 2011

Over the Top. Way, way, way over the top.

Sometimes, people have dreams.  And those dreams may or may not include making people incredibly happy with the magic of delicious food.  Oh baby.  

And luckily, stumbleupon gives me the most inspiration I will ever need.  And a few nights ago, when I stumbled on strawberries stuffed with cheesecake, I simply could not resist.

Strawberries are a powerful temptress in the fruit world.

Anywho, I saw this and I knew it was destiny.  Sweet, luscious destiny. 

Yeah I made that.  No big.
So if you're willing to read this without salivating to the point of drowning, then continue.  When I say that these little buggers are so good, people moan, this is not an exaggeration.

People will propose to you over these.  I'm not kidding, folks.

Here's how you do it.

Take some strawberries and hollow out the center.  Just take a knife and cut around the green part.  It should pop right out.

Then, in a bowl (or bread dish if you're out of bowls from making cupcakes earlier that day), mix together softened cream cheese, powdered sugar and vanilla.  Toss in a splash of whipping cream just to make it extra perfect.  As if that's even possible.

Drooling is an understatement at this point.
Pop the cheesecake into a bag and cut the tip off.  Pipe the stuff into the hollowed out strawberries.  

Moaning is socially acceptable at this point.  I completely understand, because I was.  

Come to Mama.
So once you've piped it all in and you top off each one so they look beautiful, pop these babies in the fridge while you prep the rest of your stuff.  Because we don't want errthang meltin'.

Take some graham crackers and put them in a sandwich bag.  You only need two crackers, tops.

Put the crackers on a cutting board, take a mallet and whoop the living crap out of them. 

The larger the mallet, the better.
[via foodtrotter]
Put those newly-formed graham cracker crumbs into a bowl.  While you're at it, take a small pan and throw some water in there.  Get it boiling.

Take the berries out of the fridge and dip each one into the bowl so the cheesecake is covered.  

I can't do this right now.
Put 'em back in the fridge.  Wipe off your tears of joy.  Look at the boiling pot of water, and place a heat-safe bowl over it.  Put some chocolate in the bowl.  Turn the heat down and stir.  STIR THE CHOCOLATE UNTIL IT MELTS.

You know what's about to happen.  You know that this is completely over the top.  You know that you want it.  Don't deny, you'll only be hurting yourself.

Dip them.  Dip the strawberries in the chocolate and put them in mini-muffin cups.

They look classy as hell and taste like heaven.

The perfect duo.

Oh sweet baby Jesus.  It's so beautiful.
These things are perfect.  They're perfect right out of the chocolate.  They're perfect when refrigerated overnight.  Oh baby.  I want to eat them all and it's possible.  

But I share.  My parents taught me well.

And when I brought some of them into work today, it was noticed.  People fell in love with me today.  And I was also noticed.

One of my coworkers asked me to cater for her.  She doesn't have time to cook some food for a grad party she's bringing food to.  So I'm getting paid to create four dozen rainbow cupcakes and chicken riggies.  

I think that blog post will be the best yet.  Think of a picture containing over 40 rainbow cupcakes in it.  Sensory overload.  I'll let you know how everything turns out.  Wish me luck!

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