Thursday, August 25, 2011

Looking Back and Forward.

Welp, it's that time of year again.  Time to pack away and sort through the stuff you threw in your basement in May and move it back into your little ol' dorm room.

Yes, I moved my stuff in last Sunday.  It's a tad complicated, but I'm actually home this week.  I moved most of my stuff in on Sunday and I'm bringing my clothes this weekend.  My roommate's there so we packed a cargo van full of the entirety of our dorm and took it up there.

And when I say up, I MEAN UP.  People, Ithaca is a giant hill.  There is always an uphill.  And it just so happens that we're on the top floor of an elevator-less hall.  Huzzah.  It's a lot different than last year.  To truly illustrate this, I decided to take my extreme skillz in Paint to show you.

You see, the circles indicate prime points on this map.  The first circle, conveniently labeled "1" in blue, shows where I lived last year.  I quiet little abode, the typical dorm room.  It was manageable.  We both grew to love the place, mostly because of the large kitchen.  The second, large circle, labeled "2", is where I will be spending most of my time.  You see, for some reason, all of my classes this year are in one damn building.  Obviously it's due to the fact that I'm taking all science lectures and labs.

Someone stab me...please.
[via cornerstorkbabygifts]
But here's where I want you to see why I've actually taken the time to create the masterpiece two images above us.  You see that third circle all the way at the top?  You see that white roof?  Well guess what, children.  That white is my ceiling.  And you see all those yellow lines?  That simply indicates when you have an uphill walk.

Woah Nelly.  I have to tell you though, the room is significantly nicer.  We have a little hallway, a cutesy arch and a pretty nice sized room.  So is it worth it?  We shall find out when I'm running to my 8:00am in the snow.  Oh the stories of winter to come.  One plus of having to walk at least 90 flights of stairs a day: Ithacalves.

ITHACALVES.  Everyone gets Ithacalves.  But mine are going to be RIPPED.  They will bring all other calf muslces to shame.  I'm planning on taking photos of my progress.  I'll keep you posted.

Me in two weeks.
[via massivecalves]
It wasn't until I made my bed that I realized how fast summer had gone by.  It seemed like it lasted forever, though.  Funny how time works like that.  It's slow and then you blink your eyes and SHAZAM! Sophomore year.  Wow.  I feel so old.

Reflecting upon my summer, it is definitely safe to say that there have been better ones.  Working full time sucks.  If you don't have to do it, don't.  If you work full time at a job you love, then by all means I congratulate you.  But I definitely decided that it was time to actually focus on myself.  And with most of my life taken up with answering phones and whatnot, I bit the bullet and joined a gym.

Between working and then promptly working out, there was little time for socialization.  So indirectly, I would say that I took this summer to isolate myself.  Barely seeing my friends wasn't very fun.  Not talking to any of my friends from college was pretty rough as well.  But it was all in the name of self-improvement, right?  I mean, I lost 12 pounds since June, so it wasn't all bad.

But at the same time, I can't help thinking of the things that could be, you know?

Daydreaming leads to dangerous thoughts.
[via tumblr]
I kept thinking of how much free time I would've had if I didn't have to work.  I was thinking of every other option that involved more fun, and in the end it made me really sad.  I wish that college wasn't so expensive so I didn't have to work full time to pay for the hefty bills that keep piling up.  I wish.  Despite everything I did this summer, I wish that I did it differently.  Unfortunately, you can't turn back time.  And unfortunately, you can't lower your college tuition bill.  So even if I could redo this summer, I wouldn't be able to.  Which saddens me.  I feel like emo bunny or something.

I understand you, Emo Bunny.  More than you ever know.
[via smosh]
There's no doubt that I improved myself this summer.  Very little improvement, but improvement nonetheless. But the whole "not being social thing" was rough.  I did it to myself though.  Alas.  I would probably rate Summer 2011 five out of nine beehives.

Enough with the one-lady pity party.  Let us talk about the year ahead, shall we?

Yes.  We shall.

This year will most likely be my toughest.  Mostly because I'm making it that way.  I already have a plan for Halloween (which is always nice).  I already bought the damn shoes for my future costume, so if the person who is going to be my partner bails, SHE WILL DIE.  And she knows it.

I'm not planning on telling you what the costume plan is.  But I shall give you hints along the way.  If you correctly guess it, I'll give you candy.  Or homemade chocolate-covered pretzels.

I mean, it's up to you.
[via nutsonline]

Slippery bastard.
[via facebook]
I sincerely hope that this semester leaves me with a tiny bit of sanity.  I haven't been thinking quite clear lately.  The stress is beginning to creep up.

Also, before I head out, I have a few other notes.

There will be very little posts about food for the next three or four months.  Upon discovering my dorm kitchen, the oven is the size of an Easy Bake.  Minimal baking will occur.

Picture to scale.
[via hasbro]
Also, I've been seriously thinking of a tattoo design for myself.

I think I'm going crazy and I'm having all of these thoughts out of nowhere.  Perhaps it's due to the fact that I've really only talked to Gary this week.  Hmmm.

The world may never know.
[via foodfitnessandfun]

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