Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Counting Down

As my damn alarm went off at six this morning and as I fell back asleep for another half-hour dreading the day ahead, I had a thought to myself - I've only had this job for three weeks.  Dear lord, it feels like forever.  Working from 8am to 5pm is no joke, people.  For those of you who do this (or will do this in the future), I commend you.  Seriously.  Perhaps if I work from 8-5, it will be more enjoyable because it involves something I'm interested in more than car rental...

God bless you, worker. God bless you.
[via newsfobia]
And while I was doodling during work today, I noticed that I was subconsciously doodling in blue and yellow.  And that's when it hit me: I miss Ithaca.

I miss it a lot.

I miss the androgyny.

GOG: Guy or Girl.  A fun game to play in Ithaca.
[via noblacknobasic]
I miss the dreadlocks.

I miss the hills.  My calves actually miss the hills - you have no idea the wonders those hills did to my muscles.

I miss my crappy prison dorm room.

I miss the repetitive, overcooked food.

I miss the snake-like annelids after a rainstorm.

[via kidport]

I miss the people there.

I miss the unpredictable weather.  Although, Syracuse isn't much better...

I just miss it, okay?  I have a few more months at home and then I'm moving back.

I've been home for about a month and all I do is work.  I hang out with my friends every so often, but it's hard when you have a full time job, go to the gym, and sleep like a newborn baby.

Me.  Everything about it.
[via pinoygigs.com]

I have no life.  It's something I've learn to deal with.

But I really do miss Ithaca.  I miss learning...I miss academia.  Granted, next semester won't be any fun at all, but I think it'll be better than listening to our debit card policy ten thousand times a day.  Jesus.

Having a full time job has truly taught me to not take these years for granted.  Because if I have to work like I do in the future, I might as well spend the years I'm getting an education having some fun.  And also cherish these next three years.  And then med school.  But I don't think that's going to be much fun...perhaps it will.  Who knows.

Okay maybe not.
[via studentdoctor.net]

I have to say though, in my extreme boredom at home, I have been cooking more.  I made a peanut butter pie tonight.  Tomorrow's blog post shall be a great one, you wait.

[via myrecipes.com]


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