Saturday, June 18, 2011

Wow. Just...Wow.

Despite my usual weekends, today was actually quite eventful.  YOU READY TO READ?!?!!?!??! You best be.


Event 1: Le Gym.
I try to work out regularly. If you have been reading lately, hopefully you know that I need lose some weight and I'm working on it.  But one of my favorite parts of the gym is people watching.  DEAR GOD.  Some of the people there...

The gym's laid out in kind of horseshoe style.  One section has the TVs, the other has some weights and treadmills and ellipticals without TVs and the other end is the big-time weights.  Now I have yet to venture deep into the weights.  It's not because I'm against weightlifting.  I'm not, I promise.  It's more like I feel like the black sheep.  Why?  Well because I'm not a man, I'm not incredibly tan and guido-like, and I actually have a neck.

Unlike this fellow here.
[via shavenomore]
I think I have twice their IQ.  Legitimately.  Oh lord.  Anywho, while I'm workin' on my triceps on the outskirts of the weight section, I see the meatheads in packs comparing muscle size and the orange hues coating their once-pale epidermis.  I can't understand them.

Once I've been going for a while, there will definitely be more stories.  And let me assure you that they will be enjoyable to read.

Event 2: The Ride Home.
It's like a ten-minute drive home.  As I'm playing the radio and driving in the family Ford Freestar, I come to a red light.  I stop, and observe the world around me.  I wish I hadn't.

A car that looks like this was full of regret and confusion earlier today.
[via mogreno]
The light just turns green, and I hear the unmistakable whirring of a sporty motorcycle.  It's whatever.  Only the dude passed by me AND HE WAS DRIVING IT WITH ONE HAND.  The other was sassily placed on his hip.

I'm sorry, but WHAT THE HELL.  Who drives a motorcycle with one damn hand?! Who is STUPID enough to put themselves, let alone everyone else on the road with them in danger?!??!?

No one.  NO ONE SHOULD.  It's the mother in me.  I'm sorry if I don't like to see people die.  Am I crazy or is that ridiculous?

Event 3: Bank Account Drainage.
I've saved up for this for a while.  It's actually made me realize that working full time and sacrificing my social life has its payoffs.  And by payoffs, I mean that I just bought something really expensive and I have no regrets.  None at all.

"But Eve, why did you spend so much money? What could you buy that cost you so much?!"

Oh readers, I just treated myself to a Nikon DSLR.  A D3000 to be exact.  I'm in love.  It's everything I wanted and it's something I've been dreaming about owning for years.  I'm a little bit of a photographer, and I've wanted an SLR ever since I could form a sentence in Spanish.  So since seventh grade, this was a goal.  And now, friends, this goal is a reality.  And it's all because of that damn job.  I can't really hate it now...

Yes I can.  I lied.

So after I sold my soul to the Devil and drained my checking account, I trotted home with a grin on my face that was years in the waiting.  I cracked everything open, popped on the lens to the body of the camera, and starting shooting.  OHMYGOD.

Naturally, the first subject I decided to photograph was the love of my life.


Don't mind the eye boogers.
The quality of this camera is incredible.  I've decided to name her Lucy.  Lucy is perfect.  Lucy captures the essence of her subjects.

Just admire him.
Lucy has endless potential.  I already know that Lucy and I will be best friends.

The canine Derek Zoolander? I think yes.
I'm going to be putting a ton of my own pictures on here now.  In love.

Event 4: Green Lantern.
I also went to see the Green Lantern today.  Despite my dwindling cash supply, I decided that seeing Ryan Reynolds is worth spending my last few pennies.  Also, I love action movies.  I decided to take someone with me this time, mostly because I was emotionally beaten by people because I went to see X-Men alone.  Sticks and stones, baby.  STICKS AND STONES.

I would not recommend that you pay to see this movie.  Despite my love for Mr. Reynolds, this cinematic 'experience' was not worth the ten dollars I shelled out.  It had cheesy dialogue, a pretty weak plot and very little character development.  Perhaps I'm too critical.  But the only part of the movie I really enjoyed was watching the evil dude with the big-ass brain screaming alone in the corner.

This made my night.
[via screencrave]
 I don't know why this made me laugh out loud. I think it was because this movie was just so ridiculous and so predictable that just watching this man with serious cranial damage scream about nothing made it funny.  Also, his mustache and bald patch doesn't really help out the laugh factor.  Or the pedo factor...maybe that's just me?

1 comment:

  1. First off, LOVING the quality of those pics! I'm already liking Lucy. :]

    Secondly, the bald guy should be your new background picture on your laptop. (Dibs!)
