Friday, June 3, 2011

So Close, Yet So Far.

Thank Jesus for Fridays.

I worked all week, and Fridays mean that it's time to get down.

Gotta get down on Friday.
[via MTV]
And let me tell you, ladies and gents: I got right down to business.  And no, this time it was not to defeat the Huns, but rather my waistline.

Because little Evie Poo here went to the Taste of Syracuse.

I looked like this.
Oh my god...I can't even begin to tell you how full I am.  If you've never been to the Taste of Syracuse and you live in the area, GO.  Go and have no regrets about the mass amount of food you will consume.  Seriously.  Here's the dealio: you go and there are literally two city blocks full of food vendors.  Vendors of every kind of food imaginable.  And at each tent, there were food samples for a dollar.


Just one of these bad boys.
[via Epicponyz]
I bought an apple fritter for a dollar.  I bought fudge for a dollar.  I bought deliciously cooked and juicy chicken FOR A DOLLAR.  I bought Rocket Shrimp for a dollar.  I have no clue what was in that shrimp but it was pretty damn luxurious.  I bought cornbread for a dollar.  I can't even think of what else I ate.

But I did eat Pizze Fritte.  Two glorious feet of fried dough covered in sugar, magic and happiness.  Like the happiness that orphans experience when a rich man takes her home for a while and decides that they love each other, so naturally he adopts her.

Anyone, anyone?
[via Girltomom]
And while I consumed that magnificently scalding dough, I supported a fellow coworker.  I've known this woman since I was born, so if she was playing at Taste of Syracuse, goddammit I'm going to watch!  Her band is called Reckless Drivin' and you should really check them out.  Kay's got an incredible voice and everyone there can really play.  In all honesty, they're one of the best live bands they've ever seen...

[via Powertwang]
So all in all, it's been a pretty slammin' day.  I ate absolutely wonderful food and listened to some freaking awesome music.

And took a turn for the even better.

Word on the street is that Wegman's is carrying fresh mangosteens.

For those of you who may not know, I am actually seriously obsessed with mangosteens.  It's a divine fruit that is rumored to taste like a perfect blend of oranges, strawberries and peaches.  If that doesn't sound good to you, then I don't ever want to get to know you.  I've been wanting, NAY, hunting for these damn fruits for years.  Here's the thing though, because they come from the depths of Southeastern Asia, they need to be irradiated and they're really spensive.  Also, nobody's ever heard of them except for me apparently.

Look at them.  Look at them and fall in love like I have.
[via Totalhelthshop]
So I headed on over to Wegman's with my friend Gizmo and I bought one.  My heart started pounding.  After years of searching, was I really holding the thing I craved most in this world in my hand?

Had my dream finally come true?

Am I even awake right now?

But I was.  I pinched myself to be sure, and I was indeed in the produce department of the best grocery store in the Northeast.  I go to the checkout in a daze and pay the three dollars for the fruit.

Cheapest. Dream. EVER.  

I wasn't expecting the mangosteen to be so rock was kinda shocking actually.  It was like a rock with fruit in it.

It took a lot of effort to cut that mofo open.  And when it finally cracked open, a bright yellow juice coated the knife.  I looked inside of the fruit (where the white delicious, luxurious, perfect fruit is waiting to be consumed), and IT WAS MOLDY.



[via ChevronCars]
I can never have a perfect day.  You will never know the pure bliss I was experiencing before that mangosteen was opened.  I was thinking of how I would be able to blog the best day ever.  How would I even go off from that?  BUT NOW I DON'T EVEN NEED TO WORRY ABOUT THAT.

I did hold a mangosteen in my hand today.  I cut it open.  And to my extreme disappointment, it was inedible. The search continues...and I am determined now more than ever to fufill my dream.  Help me make it come true please?

1 comment:

  1. Arby's did Taste of Syracuse...
    I like my job a bit too much.
