Sunday, June 19, 2011

Spicy, Charred & Creamy. ALL IN ONE DAY.

I was bad today.  I didn't go to the gym.  Instead, I ate delicious spicy tomato oil with bread for two of my three meals.  I'm feeling a tinge of regret, but it is smothered by the divinity that is that drug-like oil.

I bought it yesterday when I was Downtown, from a cute little bakery across the street from the restaurant that uses the oil in their dishes.  Pastabilities is the name.  I swear to all that is holy, Pastabilities will be the one thing that will bring me to my knees and have me begging for mercy.  Pastabilities will be the restaurant that will crumble my dream of losing weight.

There has to be cocaine in that oil.  It's just too addictive to not have cocaine in it.

Oh dear God I'm drooling.
Basically, if I think this stuff is godly, you should know that it's pretty damn boss.

Sorry, I just got off on a tangent.  It's Father's Day!

I've said this before, I absolutely love my Dad.  I think he's awesome.  Because he really is.  And luckily, it was a GORGEOUS day today (something very rare, let me tell you).  So a nice day at Eve's house involves five things:
1. Barbecue, delicious delicious barbecue.
2. Molson Canadian beer.  For those of legal age.  We here don't operate no underage bar/brothel, ya dig?
3. Classic rock playing in the background.
4. Serious pool time, swimming.  This also always involves me pushing pretty much everyone in. MUAHAHA.

Pretty much.
[via masterfile]
5. Playing with Gary in the sun.

And today (and for the rest of time), there was a sixth crucial factor to today's backyard extravaganza: Lucy.

Oh Lucy, how I loveth thee.

She's just so beautiful.
[via wikoshop]
So while everyone was laughing and having a good time, I was having a sicknasty photoshoot.  I have included some photos from today.  I hope you enjoy them.  Of course, I shot some more of my beloved.

Gary...I love you.
And I shot some pictures of Dorothy and her boyfriend jumping in ze pool.  I enjoy watching them fall.  It's not just me, right?

I'm entertained.
All in all, it was a pretty smashing day.  I finished off my Sunday binges with an ice cream cone.  But this was no ordinary ice cream cone.  While glancing the menu, fully prepared to order my usual twist with chocolate sprinkles, I noticed that there was a cone option called, "Double Header." Double header? What the hell? I was bamboozled.  Curious, I asked the ice cream dude, and basically it sounded awesome.


[via myfatcubanfamily]
Let's just say that I know what I'll be ordering from now on.

Well I'm going to go bake a pie now.  Mostly out of boredom.  Slash I want to see how Lucy can photograph food.  Mmm.

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